Cheers to Six Years!
Please join us Friday, May 7th for the 6th Annual Kate McMullen Foundation Benefit
6pm – 9:30pm Mars Gallery 1139 West Fulton Market
Food, Drink, Music and a Silent Auction
$50 in advance, $60 at the door Smart Casual Attire
(advance tickets will be available online March 1st)

Foundation Roots
The Kate McMullen Foundation was set up in March, 2005 as a way for Kate to communicate to her friends and family after being diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Katie was a 25 year old nonsmoking woman when she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.
She had a vibrant life that included many friends and family and was working at a financial firm in Chicago. Katie fought this disease with grace and confidence while writing down daily news of her treatments, fears, advice for her readers, and started a race log with many individuals joining her daily writings. She was extremely courageous and fought this with sheer determination and used all the stamina she had to have the most aggressive treatments. After a nine month race, Katie passed away November, 2005.
Her determination to tell her story is being carried out by all of our readers and supporters of the Kate McMullen Foundation. It was Kate’s wish to keep the fight against Lung Cancer by funding research projects to find better treatments.